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Act Like an Underdog in a Job Search

The weak sometimes win, and the strong never learn. Adopting the humility of an underdog in a job search can help you to win.

Something is compelling in adopting an attitude of humility at certain times in life. When you cannot know for sure that you are “the best,” it is arguably psychologically more beneficial to assume the mantle of the plucky challenger.

In a job search, there is often no way of accurately measuring yourself against the other candidates and given the added opaqueness of rationale behind hiring decisions. You rarely know for sure that you are going to come out on top.

So, you do what sports coaches have done for decades. Assume that you are likely to be second (or third, or fourth) best. You decide to believe that you are weak. You are the underdog in a job search.

Assuming that you are weak does not equate to giving up.

Job search underdogs can win

The weak sometimes win; you still have a chance to get that job. However, you know that an underdog has to bring out their “A” game to get it. When you assume that there is someone who on paper is more qualified than you, there is nothing more motivating than giving your all to secure that dream job ahead of them.

“Strong” people don’t need to hustle most of the time.

But every now and again, they will fail.

It is well documented that weaker players triumph against stronger adversaries 30% of the time in international relations. That is a significant failure rate. The underdogs still win this much because they have the resolve, adaptability, creativity, and sheer tenacity to overcome their more powerful adversaries. On paper, they shouldn’t win at all. The powerful remain happy with their 70% win rate, and life continues.

So, looking at the job market again. If your dream job came up and you know that there are probably more qualified candidates out there, would you pass up the opportunity and move on to something more achievable? Or would you adopt an underdog’s attitude and take those 30% odds? You will have to put up with a decent amount of rejection and disappointment. If you keep pushing the envelope of your potential, you will defy the odds one day. If you don’t fight, there is no chance of winning.

All this obviously comes with a caveat.

Underdogs hope

You do have to be semi-realistic in your aims in terms of the match with your experience – you have to deserve your place on the field in the first place. Having said that, you don’t search for a job that often, so why not shoot for the moon a few times and see where it gets you? The worst thing you can do is chalk it up to experience. That is never a bad thing.

A job search is a potentially transformative moment in your life, so why would you risk arrogantly sitting around and assuming that your next role will fall into your lap.

You owe it to yourself and to your family to hustle for it. By adopting the attitude of the underdog, you give yourself the best chance of levelling up your career.

There is always something out there that is worth striving for.

If you don’t assume that you deserve it, you will work all the harder to get it.


This blog is shared with Job Seeker Duetists.

Written by former recruitment ghostwriter Paul Drury (not AI).
