Job SearchJob Search - Inspiration

The Value of “Slow” in a Thoughtful Job Search

It is in the moments between the beats of life that we find the greatest meaning.

Understanding comes slowly, flitting in and out of our consciousness. 

Now you see me. Now you don’t. 

You think of something else. And it comes back. That thought.

The one. That could change everything.

I try to spend as much time as possible slowing down my life and my thinking to allow the genuinely life-changing thoughts the opportunity to break through the noise.

Inspiration can hit any time, but the most profound types of inspiration only tend to materialise when our minds are empty, and our souls are at peace. You can’t rush it. Just let it come at its own pace. Don’t seek to bend it to your will. Just let it “be” for as long as it needs.

Whenever I need to make a big life decision, I always embrace a “slow” approach.

I truly believe that a slow job search provides the foundation for making the best decisions.

There are so many decisions to be made, so many thoughts competing for attention.


So much is on the line….

You feel that you should be thinking and acting at lightning speed.

To get your career back on track.

But they need to be the right tracks (going in the right direction).

You won’t be sure of that unless you allow yourself to think slowly. Give yourself the mental space to clear your mind of the excess. Press the pause button. Do nothing. Breathe.

Everyone will have a different type of “slow.” You know what I mean.

It is the magical way of being where you feel at peace, and you let life wash over you for a while. Sometimes it is a struggle to get there, and sometimes it is effortless.

However you do it, your job search will benefit from “slow” moments.

Know it. Feel it. Seek it.

Read this short blog again. Slowly.


This blog is shared with Job Seeker Duetists. 

Written by former recruitment ghostwriter Paul Drury (not AI).
