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How to Dazzle an Interviewer With Your Stars in Their Eyes

We’ve all looked at the sun for a little too long and been left with a blurry image for a while after we have looked away. That is similar to what happens when you dazzle an interviewer. They aren’t going to forget you in a hurry.

I’m not sure about the science. It is somehow so bright that our eyes can’t focus on anything else. The sun is our closest star.

For me, it is the same looking up at the night sky.

I have always had a fascination with the stars – distant giants dazzle us from far, far away. On dark and clear summer nights, I like nothing better than to sit outside with a beer and look up to the sky. 

It may sound silly, but every star represents something good that I have done in this world. I sometimes try to sit outside and count the stars – thinking back for each one to a time when I have “made a difference.” It isn’t always easy, but I put it on my mental list for next time every time I have a win.

I like to go to bed with the stars on my mind. Life feels worth living.

I am lucky that I don’t have to work for an employer. If I did have to have another interview for a job, I know that I would want to leave the interviewer with the dazzling imprint of my stars in their eyes.

You need them to go away in awe of what they have just seen and heard. Although they might be impressed with other candidates, when you dazzle an interviewer your stars will shine brighter and longer. When it comes to decision time, there will be only one candidate at the front of their minds.

How to dazzle an interviewer

But first, you have to picture your stars in your mind’s eye.

If you do not know what good you have done in this life, it is impossible to share with a total stranger. Don’t settle for sitting down and writing a long list. Wait for the next starry night, put on some warm clothes, drive out to the countryside and look up.

For every star you see, think back to a moment in your career that you want to leave with your future interviewers. Focus on the star as you replay the scene in your mind. Then, with a pause for gratitude, move on to the next star, the next one, and the next one.

It might seem very random. For me, there is no more powerful image than looking up at the stars and understanding that every one of them might represent a good moment in my past. If you have physically stood there and done this, you know that this can be the case.

Remind yourself about it regularly enough. You will not only feel that little bit better about your life, you will also have a ready-made story to tell a future employer.

They want to see your stars in their eyes because they know that you will help to create future stars with them. In an interview situation, your future stars have not yet been born. Convince the interviewer that your past can be their future.

Lots of people talk about the importance of storytelling in a job search.

I would also suggest some stargazing.


This blog is shared with Job Seeker Duetists. 

Written by former recruitment ghostwriter Paul Drury (not AI).
