Interview - QuestionsInterviews

20 Questions to Ask About Employer Culture

You can come out of an interview safe in the knowledge that you made a compelling case to employ you. hen that job offer comes along, did you ask about employer culture enough to make an informed decision?

When you have multiple job offers, the ability to compare employer cultures is central to making a great decision. Employers understand the importance of finding the right fit for both parties, so they are typically happy to field any questions that you might have.

It is possible to do plenty of research before an interview – employers may have a section to address such questions on their website, so make sure you have investigated. Mention that you have done your homework, but there is everything to gain when asking for an additional personal perspective. 

How candid your interviewers are in answering some of the following questions will tell you a lot about the culture. The more open they are, the keener they are to employ you.

20 questions to ask about employer culture

Why are people happy and proud to work at the company?

What happens when there is a workplace conflict?

How are decisions reached when there is disagreement?

What was your team’s most significant failure this year?

How does the company ensure engagement?

In what ways will organisational politics affect my future role?

How many meetings would I have every day?

What kind of people thrive at the company?

Which things would you change about the company if you could?

What kind of flexible working arrangements does the company offer?

How do you ensure diversity of thought and opportunity?

Have you changed over your time at the company?

How does the company celebrate success?

Could you describe the performance management process?

For what reason might employees choose to join a competitor?

How do managers encourage personal development within their teams?

What would you improve about the company’s mission and values?

How high is the employee turnover, and how could it be improved?

What might an outsider not realise about the corporate culture?

What do you wish you’d known before your first day here?

Don’t be shy about asking these questions. Interviews are a two-way process, and you are showing that you value your career prospects if you seek to investigate the fit in such a way. Blindly accepting a job offer without any understanding of what awaits is unwise.

Employers (and especially HR representatives) want to answer these questions. Mention at the start of the interview that you have a few questions of your own to ask. A competent interviewer will make time for you.


This blog is shared with Job Seeker Duetists.

Written by former recruitment ghostwriter Paul Drury (not AI).
